An info-graphic on the added capabilities of Pakistan Navy’s upcoming Milgem Class Corvette.

Added Weapon Systems of Pakistan Navy’s upcoming Milgem Class Corvette

16x cell Vertical Launch System (VLS) added on the ship, which will be armed with HHQ 16 medium range surface to air missile, with a range between 40-70km.

2×3 cell Larger sized canisters, which will be armed with indigenously developed Harbah Anti-Ship and Coastal Attack cruise Missile. Harbah will have a range of up to 400 km.

1x Oto Melara 76 mm super rapid naval gun.

1x Gökdeniz Close in Weapons System (CIWS) [calibre 30mm].

2×2 324mm torpedo tubes.

Sensor Package

The ship will be equipped with latest 3D Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar.

Bow mounted (most probably) SONAR of Turkish origin.

2x Electro Optical Tracking System (EOTS) again of Turkish origin (most probably).


Electronics Package

Electronics Counter Measure (ECM) and Electronics Support Measure (ESM) of Turkish origin.

Decoy and Chaff launchers

Beside these the ship has hanger facility to accommodate 1x Medium weight category ASW helicopter.

Separate Mission module on Port and Starboard sides of the main deck of the ship to accommodate Rigid Hull Patrol Boats (RHIB) for special operations.




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