Indian Navy says its flagship, the aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya, caught fire during conduct of sea trials from the naval base INS Kadamba. The fire was later bought under control off the coast of Karwar, and a board of inquiry has been ordered. The Vikramaditya left its home port on Monday 18th July 2022, after over a year of refit and repairs. The carrier had a fire incident on the second day of the trials, 20th July 2022. It is expected the fire will put the INS Vikramaditya out of service for another few months.

INS Vikramaditya was originally build as Baku, a Kiev class aircraft carrier for Soviet Navy. It was commissioned in Soviet Navy in 1987 & was decommissioned in 1996 as Admiral Gorshkov. Indian Navy procured the decommissioned aircraft carrier & after major refits & upgradations it entered Indian Navy’s service as INS Vikramaditya in 2013/14.

The refurbishment cost for INS Vikramaditya for Indian Navy was approximately $ 2.35 billion in 2013/14.




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