Nazar Muhammad aka Khasha Zwan was a member of Afghan Local Police (ALP) a CIA-backed militia, (accused by Human rights of serious human rights violations). He was from Dand district Kandahar was deployed at Shah Wali Kot, Kandahar. He was a psychopath involved in serious human rights violations including raping boys & was a pedophile.

There is no record of any of his artwork. But there are dozens of videos of him with guns including the one assigned to ALP. Many locals accuse him of taking bribes at checkpoints, in this video he is making a video next to white Vigo which is used by ALP.

Moreover, the guy always used to carry guns. His record at ALP can be confirmed by the ALP. Deny his involvement with ALP & share his artwork, not like abusive jokes on Facebook but his career details, etc.

How has he had access to these Modern guns & Walkie-talkie? Does he use to fire jokes from guns?

Otherwise, do not make warlords criminals. Despite all that his extra-judicial killing is condemnable.

Afghanistan needs real heroes not war criminals like General Raziq & his remaings.

Author: Talha Ahmad (Editor in Chief PSF)

About Author: Talha Ahmad is a Freelance Journalist. He is an independent Geo-Political Analyst, commentator, and keen observer of International Relations. Talha Ahmad’s opinions have been featured in different News-websites like Daily times, Pakistan Today, Global Village Space, Morning Mail. He can be reached on Twitter @talhahamad967.



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