Yesterday, Nuclear Threat Initiative released Annual Nuclear Security Index for 2020.

According to NTI Nuclear Security Index, Pakistan was the most improved country in the theft ranking for countries with weapons-usable nuclear materials, improving its overall score by 7 points”.

Nuclear Threat Initiative has 2 two Theft rankings while one Sabotage ranking.

Theft—Secure Materials: This ranking consists of those countries who have 1 kilogram or more of weapons-usable nuclear materials. This list includes 22 counties.

Theft—Support Global Efforts: This ranking includes those countries with less than 1 kilogram of or no weapons-usable nuclear materials. This ranking has 153 countries along with Taiwan.

Sabotage—Protect Facilities: This ranking includes those countries who have nuclear power reactors or research reactors. This list includes 46 counties along with Taiwan.


Most of Pakistan’s improvements are in the Security and Control Measures category (+25) because of its passage of new regulations. Pakistan also improved in the Global Norms category (+1).

Pakistan’s improvements in the Security and Control Measures category are significant because strengthened laws and regulations result in durable boosts in Pakistan’s score as well as provide sustainable security benefits.

Pakistan has steadily improved in the Security and Control Measures category over time with the passage of new regulations, improving by +8 in 2014, +2 in 2016, and +6 in 2018. Its score in 2014 improved owing to new regulations for on-site physical protection.

In 2016, it passed new cyber-security regulations. In 2018, it improved its insider threat protections. Its newest regulations mark a much larger shift. Compared with other countries’ score improvements in the Security and Control Measures category, Pakistan’s increase of +25 is the second-largest improvement of any country since the Index first launched in 2012.


2020 Ranking

PAK: 19

IND: 20

2020 Score

PAK: 47

IND: 41

Improvement (since 2018)

PAK: +7

IND: 0

Pakistan Vs India

2020 Ranking: (Sabotage: Protect Facilities)

PAK: 33

IND: 38

2020 Score

PAK: 58

IND: 53

Improvement (Since 2018)

PAK: +5

IND: 0

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