Important Note: “Since we saw many Turkish Defense Pages Posting that their own delay in developing ALTAY MBT & less aggressive marketing resulted in Pakistan opting VT-4. Well Dear Turkish Brothers here are the actual reasons why Pakistan Never Tested ALTAY”.

  1. Altay is “Too Heavy” & weighs above 60 Tons (Approx. 65 Tons). Thus, it will create huge “Logistics Issue” for Pakistan Army & cannot be deployed in given time in case of war. Moreover, Pakistan’s terrain is mostly Desert (Sindh) & Mountainous (Upper Punjab). These regions need A bit lighter tank such as AK, AZ or VT-4.
  2. Altay MBT uses 120 mm Smooth Bore Gun instead of 125 mm (since almost all Pakistan’s Tanks use 125 mm Smooth Bore Gun, all our ammunition including ATGM in reserve and in production are centric towards 100, 105 & 125 mm). Manufacturing or procuring new 120mm ammunition well take time, plus will cost too much money.
  3. Altay uses 1500 hp BMC Batu German Engine. It is a good Engine but Pakistan-Germany relations in most recent past got bitter after defunct Submarine Deal. Turkey has planned its own 1800 hp Engine for Altay MBT but then again it will take time in development & who knows will it be as good as its counterpart.
  4. Altay’s per unit Cost is more than USD $13.75 million & is on par with South Korean K-2 Black Panther in term of Cost.




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