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Saturday, July 27, 2024


Exclusive Report on Islamic State Khorasan Province

In 2015, Islamic State (Daesh) announced establishing of Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP). Initially, it drew fights & commanders from Tehreekh e Taliban (TTP) splinters residing mostly in Afghanistan, including Hafiz Saeed Khan head of ISKP and Former TTP...

Return of Taliban – What lies ahead for Pakistan

A delightfully unanticipated series of developments that occurred in quick succession in Afghanistan over the last weekend, left the world dumbfound. No one could have imagined such a smooth and non-violent transition of power in Kabul. The ill-planned and...

Unfolding Afghan crisis: Impact on Pakistan

The proposed Taliban-Afghan government Peace Conference, expected to be held in Istanbul on April 24 this year, never took place. The ensuing scenario continues to rapidly unfold in front of the world. After the US President Joe Biden’s declaration...

PSF’s Exclusive: Comedian Debugged

Nazar Muhammad aka Khasha Zwan was a member of Afghan Local Police (ALP) a CIA-backed militia, (accused by Human rights of serious human rights violations). He was from Dand district Kandahar was deployed at Shah Wali Kot, Kandahar. He...

From “Do More!” to “Absolutely Not!”

Recently a short clip from the interview of Prime Minister Imran Khan that he gave to an American journalist went viral. He gave a statement in reaction to a question asked by the journalist. “Absolutely Not!”, he categorically stated....

End Game of US: Endless War in Afghanistan

Afghanistan's end game is approaching and now every player is getting ready for a post-withdrawal situation but many inside Washington are still occupied with the idea of prolonging the war. Many analysts came up with the view that this...

American Taliban; The Footprints of US Special Forces in War Against Terror

In the capital city of Gardez in Paktia Province of Afghanistan at 3.00 am US Special Operations Forces stormed the house. The members of the family were busy celebrating the party thrown to the guest on the birth of...

Pakistan-US Relations Post Donald Trump: Implications of Changed US Presidency on Pakistan

Introduction Pakistan-United states relations is referred to as a dyadic relationship. The US has created bilateral relationship with Pakistan since Pakistan’s inception i.e., 14 august 1947 by admitting the existence of a separate Muslim state in South Asia. There were...

Modern-Day Imperialism

The term “Imperialism” defines a policy or ideology by an empire of extending its rule over other people and other countries, for the purpose of extending its own geo-political gain, economic access, power and control, through employing hard power...

Acquiring The Punch: Cobra Gunship Helicopter

Genesis In the wake of 1979 Russian invasion of Afghanistan, Pakistan emerged as a front-line state against the communist expansion. Europeans and the Americans were now trying to win over Pakistan to their side in this Great Game. American President Jimmy...
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The Story of the Blown Up Generation

When the Pakistan Strategic Forum’s O&S Directorate and our CT Wing first started our investigative efforts in mid-2023 aimed...
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Al Qaeda Resurfaces in Afghanistan: A Return to Dark Days, A Looming Threat

Al Qaeda, infamous for orchestrating the tragic events of 9/11, has reemerged in Afghanistan, resurrecting its nefarious activities reminiscent of its pre-9/11 era. The terrorist...

The Story of the Blown Up Generation

Ahmed’s young palms were sweating. He tried to busy his mind by peeking out of the car window and see the the cars...

Karachi Shipyard Launches the Fourth & Final Babur Class Corvette “PNS TARIQ”

Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works Ltd (KS&EW) launched the fourth and final BABUR (PN MILGEM) Class Corvette, PNS TARIQ (F-283), on August 2nd, 2023....

Pakistan’s Blue Economy: Unleashing Marine Resources for Sustainable Growth

Pakistan's blue economy presents a promising avenue for sustainable development, rooted in the responsible utilization of marine resources. With a coastline stretching approximately 1,046...